An ABSOLUTE Beauty, Agouti boy!! He is such a love bug too! Just a big teddy bear!! Pre- limbs: "fair" Eyes: Good

An ABSOLUTE Beauty, Agouti boy!! He is such a love bug too! Just a big teddy bear!! Pre- limbs: "fair" Eyes: Good

An ABSOLUTE Beauty, Agouti boy!! He is such a love bug too! Just a big teddy bear!!

An ABSOLUTE Beauty, Agouti boy!! He is such a love bug too! Just a big teddy bear!!

An ABSOLUTE Beauty, Agouti boy!! He is such a love bug too! Just a big teddy bear!!

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly boi - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!! OFA certified-HIPS "GOOD" Eyes: "Clear and GOOD"

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly bouy - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!!

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly bouy - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!!

Extremely gentle and sweet boy!! Loves everyone!

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly bouy - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!!

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly bouy - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!!

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly bouy - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!!

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly bouy - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!!

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly bouy - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!!

Meet our new, Champion bloodline, Studly bouy - Kaizer. He has an amazing pedigree with Kristari , Valeah and Innisfree bloodlines. He was champion sired out of Kristari's CR. GR. CH/CAN. Pedigree comping soon. He is got to be one of the "Chillest" huskies We have ever had here in our pack!! Not only Amazing with baby huskies but is SUPER gentle with HOOMAN babies!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!

Kavik (next to Atreyu) is by FAR the smartest husky we have ever owned!! Very Majestic!! He can be a bit on the "Alpha" side (dominate to an extent) BUT SUPER lovey to his hoomans!! He really wants to be alpha but respects Atreyu and Rufio has already put him in his place a couple of times. He is small despite what his pics show. He is about 40lbs. Just with a lot of floof!!